Interviews/Articles About
December 8, 2024, Converging Dialogues: The Evolutionary Story of Fathers: A Dialogue with Sarah B. Hrdy
BBC interview with Jim al-Khalili for The Life Scientific: Sarah Blaffer Hrdy
Forum! KQED
Farrah Kristen Radio Health Journal
Interview with Kensy Cooperrider for Many Minds podcast
Learning How to Parent from Mother Nature. Sarah Hrdy
June 7, 2021, Unsiloed Podcast, Episode 16. Sarah Hrdy - Alloparenting and Allomothers: Learning How to Parent from Mother Nature. Listen
September 5, 2018, The Attachment Parenting Podcast, 15. Alloparenting: Bring Back the Village! with Sarah Blaffer Hrdy. [Podcast]
NPR Interview with John Poole re Cooperative Breeding,
Broadcast June 7, 2018. [Webcast]
NPR Interview with Diane Rehm re Mother Nature,
Broadcast February 28, 2000. [Webcast]
Australian Broadcasting Company Interview with Natasha Mitchell re Mothers and Others, Broadcast October 3, 2009. [Webcast]
Look What SHE Did
Oct 24,2017. Lucia Jacobs on Sarah Blaffer Hrdy. [Video]
YouTube - Sarah Hrdy, Darwin Festival.
Made July 7, 2009, Posted March 2010. Cambridge University. [Video]
WGBH Boston - Sarah Hrdy: Evolutionary Origins of Mutual Understanding.
November 18, 2009. Forum Network. [Video]
Science Doc scientific films - Mother Ape 2000 [Video]
Interview re Founders of Human Behavior and Evolution Society: Sarah Hrdy in conversation with William Irons [Video]
Interviews/Articles About
Interview with Sarah Blaffer Hrdy
Michael Feigelson, 2024, Early Childhood Matters, [PDF]
Interview with Sarah Blaffer Hrdy
Jim Al Khalili, BBC 4, 2023 Life Scientific Interview
Humans Evolved to Love Baby Yoda
Alison Gopnik, The Wall Street Journal, January 18-19, 2020. [PDF].
Reflections on Papers Past: Revisiting Hrdy 1974
Hari Shridar, Rapid Ecology, Dec. 17, 2018. Available online or [PDF].
Sarah Blaffer Hrdy
Lynne A. Isbell, The International Encyclopedia of Primatology, 2017. [PDF].
Sarah Blaffer Hrdy Reassesses "Maternal Instincts"
Katacharin, 2017 [PDF].
Human altruism traces back to the origins of humanity
Michael Balter, Aug. 27, 2014. Available online.
What Made Us Human? Perhaps Adorable Babies
Alison Gopnik, Wall Street Journal, May 16, 2014 [PDF].
Contributions of Sarah Blaffer Hrdy
Carel van Schaik and Joan B. Silk, Evolutionary Anthropology 22:200-201, 2013 [PDF].
Women and Children First
Eric Michael Johnson, Times Higher Education, March 15, 2012 [PDF].
Meet the 'alloparents': Shared child care gave rise to human
altruism, says Hrdy
Joseph Mansky, Cornell Chronicle, October 18, 2011 [PDF]
In a Helpless Baby, the Roots of our Social Glue
Natalie Angier, New York Times, March 2, 2009. Available online.
How Mothers and Others Made us Human
Camilla Power. Radical Anthropology (Issue 3 2009-2010) [PDF].
The Evolution of Motherhood
Graham Townsley. PBS NOVA Evolution, March 19, 2009, posted November 26, 2009. Available online.
Hrdy, Sarah Blaffer (b. 1946)
Ullica Segerstrale. In M. Rose and J. Travis, (eds.), Evolution the First Four Billion Years. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 2009.
Primate expert explores motherhood's brutal side
Natalie Angier. 2000. New York Times. Feb. 2, 2000. [PDF]
The hardy Sarah Blaffer Hrdy
Claudia Dowling. Discover Magazine (March 2003):40–45. Available online.
Mark Pagel, Editor in Chief. The Encyclopedia of Evolution. Oxford University Press. 2002. [PDF]
The Dark Side of Motherhood
Kelly Patterson. The Ottawa Citizen 2002. [PDF]
Sexual stereotypes
Jonathan Knight. Nature 415:254-256 (2002). [PDF]
Gender and Inquiry: A Symposium. Finding Mr. Right.
Julia Hanna, Radcliffe Quarterly. Winter 2001.[PDF]
The Evolutionary Type
Susan Contratto, Radcliffe Quarterly, Summer 2000. [PDF]
Works In Progress From All Over; Eliot's Sly Revenge Against a Darwinist
Sarah Boxer, New York Times, January 1, 2000. Available online.
Cooperative breeders – they really pay dividends
Anne Sebba, The Times Higher Education, November 1999. Available online.
Excerpt from interview about Mother Nature, humankind's legacy of cooperative breeding, and what it means for "Inhuman Futures"
David Concar, in New Scientist, 11 December 1999 (164, No 2216:45-47). [PDF]
New View of Female Primates Assails Stereotypes
Erik Eckholm, New York Times, September 18, 1984. Available online. and [PDF]
Females up Front
Ann Kaupp, Anthro Notes, Fall 1982. [PDF]
Understanding Sociobiology
Georgia Litwack, Boston Globe- New England Magazine, April 8, 1979.